Appraiser’s Competence to Assignment

Article 11, Part 2

The Complaint:

Client A engaged REALTOR® B to appraise an apartment house, indicating that he planned to put the building on the market. When the appraisal was submitted, REALTOR® B solicited the listing of the building at the price shown as current market value in his appraisal. Client A asked for time to think it over. Surprised at what he felt to be a low valuation in REALTOR® B’s appraisal, Client A went to REALTOR® C, recounted his business relations with REALTOR® B, and engaged REALTOR® C to make a second appraisal of the building. REALTOR® C submitted his appraisal which was 25% higher than REALTOR® B’s valuation. Client A listed the property for sale with REALTOR® C at his appraised value and the building was shortly sold by REALTOR® C at that price.
REALTOR® C filed a complaint against REALTOR® B charging a violation of Article 11 in having undertaken an appraisal that was outside the field of his experience and competence.


The Hearing:

At the hearing, at which a written statement by Client A was entered into the record, all the facts set out above were established.
Questioning revealed that REALTOR® B had engaged in very little appraisal work, and never before with respect to any kind of property except single-family houses, that he had not obtained qualified assistance, and that he had not acquainted Client A with the limited extent of his experience.


The Conclusion:

It was the conclusion of the Hearing Panel that REALTOR® B was in violation of Article 11 because he had undertaken an appraisal for which he was not qualified, without obtaining competent assistance and without advising his client as to the facts respecting his limited experience as an appraiser.