Capitol Conference Round Up


Capitol Conference 2019 was last month and with more than 700 REALTORS® traveling to Springfield from all over Illinois, some might say it was a success. As a first time attendee, and a person new to the real estate scene, it was amazing to see so many people in one location fighting and lobbying for the same purpose; protecting private property rights.

The day began at the Bank of Springfield Center, where hundreds of REALTORS® ate, mingled, and prepared for a day of lobbying at the Capitol Building. The crowd was greeted by Illinois REALTOR® president-elect, Ed Neaves. After Neaves awarded Pat McCarthy, a Peoria-area REALTOR®, the Illinois REALTORS® 2019 Political Involvement Award, Vice President of Governmental Affairs Greg St. Aubin took the stage.

From the first moment St. Aubin took the stage I knew what type of day it was going to be. He was introduced with a walk-up song and immediately started to pump up the crowd with a clapping and cheering contest between the left and right side of the room. Not only were people participating in this little “contest” but they were enthusiastic, just like how they were enthusiastic about lobbying and fighting for their clients. After the little pep rally and St. Aubin informing the crowd on talking points for when they meet their legislators; which included rent control, license law rewrite, local government consolidation, and other hot issues; the wave of REALTORS® started to make their way to the Capitol Building. Whether people walked or took the bus, the talk around town was about making a difference in the Capitol.

With hundreds of REALTORS® in attendance, the Capitol Building was not lacking energy. REALTORS® were in attendance for planned group meetings with legislators but also had the opportunity to meet wherever they could find them, whether it was their office or passing in the halls. After a few hours of speaking with representatives, everyone went back to the Bank of Springfield Center for some refreshments and final networking opportunities.

At the conclusion of the day, everyone walked away feeling accomplished knowing they made a difference fighting for property rights. For more on this years Capitol Conference, check out Illinois REALTORS® blogs here.

Check out the pics below for an inside look at Mainstreet members attending Capitol Conference.


2019 Capitol Conference
2019 Capitol Conference
2019 Capitol Conference
2019 Capitol Conference
2019 Capitol Conference